Contact Student Affairs

We're here to support you at Kennesaw State University throughout your academic journey and beyond. 我们的敬业和经验丰富的领导,教师和工作人员 ready to provide guidance and information to help ensure consistent student success 也是一段难忘的大学经历.


  • Dr. Eric Arneson.

    副校长,学生事务 & 高等教育及学生事务兼职助理教授
    (470) 578-6310
    KH 4413

    作为学生事务副主席(VPSA). Arneson provides leadership and direction for much of the co-curricular student experience at 正规博彩十大网站排名.  He serves as the chief student advocate and expert on campus and provides direct counsel to President Kathy Schwaig and other key leaders in championing student success.  Dr. Arneson will foster student engagement and success by oversight of divisional departments; Dean of Students, 文化及社区中心, 辅导及心理服务, 兄弟会和姐妹会生活, 学生运动员支持服务, Sports and Recreation, CARE Services, 青少年成瘾与康复中心, 军事和退伍军人服务, Parent and Family Programs, 学生领导及服务, 在其他领域都致力于创造粘性, inclusive, 以及为学生提供支持的社区.

    Dr. Arneson joins 正规博彩十大网站排名 after serving as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Climate at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.  He previously worked in high level Student Affairs positions at Florida International University, University of Miami, 伊利诺伊大学和其他大学.  He has been very involved in professional associations in leadership positions and has facilitated workshops and trainings nationally on Student Affairs related topics such as leadership development, communication, 创建包容性社区, 引导职业发展.  他被公认为学生事务和学生参与方面的专家. 

    Dr. Arneson拥有佛罗里达国际大学高等教育博士学位, 鲍灵格林州立大学学生人事硕士学位, and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. 

  • Dr. Ronald Briggs.

    负责学生事务的副校长兼教务长 & 高等教育及学生事务兼职助理教授
    (470) 578-2422
    KH 4416

    Dr. Ronald Briggs, Jr. was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio and recently lived in Phoenix, Arizona for 12 years. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees from the University of Toledo and earned his doctoral degree in Higher Education from Arizona State University.In 2008, Dr. Briggs began his tenure at Arizona State University and has served in multiple roles including Executive Director of TRIO programs, Assistant Dean of Students, 以及学生事务副主任. 在加入正规博彩十大网站排名(Kennesaw State University)之前. 布里格斯在亚利桑那州立大学担任高级研究员. Director of Residential Life where he assisted students in their transition into college and beyond. Dr. 布里格斯在学生发展方面有经验, organizational development, federal compliance, crisis intervention, and management.  Dr. 布里格斯还在亚特兰大市区的莫尔豪斯大学做过宿舍生活.

    Dr. Briggs entered the field of higher education due to his passion in helping students find their purpose, passion, 实现他们的个人和职业目标. His inspiration for serving others and working with students came from his student organization involvement as an undergraduate.  

    由于他作为本科生和研究生的参与. Briggs has 十多年来,有幸为各种学生组织提供建议. Dr. 布里格斯继续实现他的目标,帮助学生找到他们的目标 and passion.

  • Dr. Gloria Laureano.

    (470) 578-2739
    A 230I

    Dr. 格洛丽亚·劳雷亚诺是哈佛大学学生事务高级助理副总裁 Kennesaw State University where she has oversight of Marietta Student Affairs which includes: Student Activities Marietta,  eSports, Unity Center and Women's Resource Center;  学生领导/领导中心; and Student Centers.  她的工作还包括战略规划, Assessment and Analysis; and Student Athlete Success Services.  

    Our Student Affairs Marietta units focus on student engagement and helping students create a sense of belonging.  学生们参加南瓜发布会等活动, Geek Week, OwlCon, GameOn 正规博彩十大网站排名, Engineers Week, Weeks of Welcome, Homecoming, heritage month celebrations, 以及其他机会,让我们所服务的社区意识到这一点.

    有关我们的项目和服务的更多信息,请访问我们的 Owl Life page.

  • Dr. Cara Ray.

    助理副校长,学生事务 & 教育领导学兼职助理教授
    (470) 578-6290
    KH 4415

    Dr. 卡拉·雷是负责学生事务的助理副校长,目前正在工作 with 文化及社区中心, Military and Veteran Student Services, and Student 领导和服务以及服务于一些委员会.

    在2018年加入正规博彩十大网站排名之前,Dr. 雷在北方大学待了将近12年 乔治亚州(原盖恩斯维尔州立学院),作为学生生活和 随后担任学生事务助理副校长和学院院长 盖恩斯维尔和卡明校区. 这些年来,她负责管理员工和 programs in Student Life, Counseling, Career Services, Disability Services, Orientation, Health Services, Multicultural Student Affairs, Student Money Management Center, Student Conduct, and Testing. Dr. 雷还在佐治亚理工学院和 在北卡罗来纳卫斯理学院.

    Dr. Ray earned her Ph. D. 2009年获得佐治亚大学学生事务管理专业硕士学位.  Her research focused on how academically underprepared college students utilized their social connections to navigate the academic and social transition to college. Dr. Ray also holds an M.A. Ed. In Higher Education and Student Affairs from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a B.A. 吉尔福德学院政治学学士学位.

  • Marcy Stidum.

    (470) 578-7565
    KH 4411

    Marcy Stidum, LCSW, MPA is the Assistant Vice President for Student Wellbeing and currently oversees Advocacy and Prevention, Campus Awareness, 资源和授权(CARE)服务, 青少年成瘾与康复中心, 咨询及心理服务, 健康促进和健康,运动和娱乐.   
    Marcy’s efforts in supporting students at 正规博彩十大网站排名 has earned Marcy numerous state and regional awards including the Georgia College Counseling Association’s 2011-2012 Clinical Program of the Year Award, 亚特兰大杂志2014年创新指数奖, 正规博彩十大网站排名居住生活部2014-2015年度SOAR奖, 2017年科布社区无家可归问题合作政策委员会主席威廉. (比尔)汉森合作奖和最近的, 二零一二年九大积极影响/服务社区员工奖. 
    Marcy has been involved in several national organizations committed to helping homeless and foster care youth. She served as chair of the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) Higher Education Committee, 曾担任无家可归者社区的联合主席 & 高等教育学生事务管理人员的培养, she served as chair for the Marietta/Cobb Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care (HUD CoC), and currently a member of the Embark Georgia statewide conference steering committee where she serves as the conference curriculum co-chair.  
    持牌临床社会工作者, Marcy Stidum创立了正规博彩十大网站排名(正规博彩十大网站排名) CARE服务, 它提供四种基本需求不安全计划来支持正规博彩十大网站排名学生. Marcy also formerly served as the Associate Director of 辅导及心理服务 at Kennesaw State, where she oversaw outreach programming and the coordination of resources on and off campus for 正规博彩十大网站排名 students with complex treatment needs.

    在2010年加入正规博彩十大网站排名之前, 玛西曾担任卡罗尔县和赫德县的心理健康县经理. For 10 years she served in this senior-level management position and spent five of those years as a surveyor for the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Prior to that Marcy was the Project Coordinator for the Valdosta State University Division of Social Work Project Healthy Grandparents Grant. 
    She earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Brewton-Parker College and Master’s Degrees in Social Work and Public Administration from Valdosta State University.

  • Candace Hall.

    (470) 578-2263
    KH 3429

    Candace Hall serves as the strategic and financial advisor for the Division of Student Affairs. 她负责管理中央业务团队,该团队成立于2019年,旨在满足不同的需求 通过提供预算管理方面的专业知识,满足学生事务处的财务需求; 采购、合同和人力资源.

    Candace has spent most of her career in higher education within financial management. Prior to joining the Division of Student Affairs in 2015, Candace worked at the University 担任丹佛大学图书馆的财政官员. Candace served as the Business Manager for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Kennesaw State University from 2001-2011. 她拥有专业写作硕士学位 from Kennesaw State University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stetson University.